Supporting young people
in our community.


Recognising that young people often need vocational support once they leave school, the VME has partnered with some key local community agencies. Each agency, program, and cohort of young people is unique, as are their mentoring programs.

What’s involved?

Mentoring programs are based in the north of Melbourne at one of our two agency partner locations in Preston and West Heidelberg.

Weekly or fortnightly mentoring sessions vary in frequency over a period of up to four months, with a total time commitment of approximately 20-30 hours from June – November. As mentees are over 18, some programs have greater flexibility with mentor session timing and location.

With greater autonomy than the school-based programs, VME mentors predominantly work 1:1 with a young person supporting their successful transition to employment.

Mentors are well supported by the VME team and partner organisation, including comprehensive free training and resources.

What will the mentoring sessions cover?

The sessions are flexible in nature to best support the goals of the young person. Goals may include building specific skills and confidence, preparing for employment, or better understanding a specific industry or role.

  • Make a difference


    You can make a difference in a young person’s life, and the community they live in!

Youth Mentoring
  • “I really valued sharing experiences and giving hope to the mentee that she is on the right path to achieve her goals.”

    MentorVME Mentoring Matters
  • Mentor

    “As each session went on my confidence grew and I started progressing with new questions.”

    MenteeVME Mentoring Matters

Who are the VME partner organisations?

This third stream of the VME works in partnership with three northern Melbourne based community agencies – Bridge Darebin (Preston) and Himilo Community Connect (West Heidelberg).

Each program looks and feels a bit different and unlike the more generalist VME Mentoring Matters program, the required mentor skills sets and industry experience experience for these programs are more specific.

More details to follow for each program but please contact us in the meantime to discuss.


Become a Vocational Mentor

  • How do I apply and what’s the process?

    Applying is safe and easy via the ONLINE VME Application Form.
    Before you start, please make sure that you have a copy of your resume and Working With Children’s Check (WWCC) handy as you will need to upload a copy.

    Don’t worry if you don’t have a WWCC though as you can easily apply online for a FREE Volunteer WWCC via Service Victoria.

Mentor Application Process


  • Application


    Complete the secure online VME Application Form and apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) if you don’t already have one

  • Discussion


    VME contacts you to discuss your application and arrange an interview, if appropriate

  • Interview


    Online interview with VME team (1hr)

  • Training


    Complete online self-paced and interactive session (6hrs)

  • Ready to Mentor

    Ready to Mentor

  • Select a VME Program

    Select a VME Program

    Volunteer for a mentoring program(s)

  • On-site Program Induction

    On-site Program Induction

    Pre-program session with staff and mentee(s) (1-1.5hrs)

  • Mentoring Program

    Mentoring Program


  • Mentor check-ins

    Mentor check-ins

    Mid-program (2x.5hr)

  • Evaluation Survey and Focus Group

    Evaluation Survey and Focus Group

    Post-program evaluation (1hr)

  • Select another program

    (if you can)

Vocational Mentoring Exchange
  • Get Involved!

    Becoming a VME Community Partner

    For more information about becoming a community partner please contact
    Rochelle Darby on [email protected]

    Contact US

You can make a difference in a young person’s life, and the community they live in!

No need to have mentored before as comprehensive and free training, support and resources are provided.

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