Supporting young entrepreneurs
in our schools.
Entrepreneurial Mentors
The VME provides entrepreneurial skilled mentors to Youth Enterprise Hub partner schools, augmenting their student led micro-enterprise projects and counting towards their VCE Vocational Major.
This school-based mentoring program is delivered by our school partners and counts towards a student’s VCE Vocational Major.
Mentors with a background in enterprise / entrepreneurial skills are desired.
What’s Involved?
Youth Enterprise Hub (YEH) mentoring programs are tailored to meet the needs of the school’s curriculum. 1-2 hour mentoring sessions are generally held fortnightly on a set day and time. As with the VME Mentoring Matters program, entrepreneurial skilled mentors are asked to share their lived experience and networks with students in Year 11/12 of their VCE Vocational Major. Mentors are matched with groups of up to 3 students.
The total time commitment from interview to evaluation, including training, is approximately 20-25 hours over 5 months.
Mentors are well supported by the VME Team and partner school. In addition to a pre-program on-site induction, mentors also enjoy comprehensive free training and resources.
What will the mentoring sessions cover?
The YEH micro-enterprise program is embedded in the school’s VCE Vocational Major curriculum. It provides students with a unique opportunity to draw from real world experience as they develop their own micro-enterprises.
Volunteer mentors draw from their own career/life experience and networks to guide in-class discussions, activities and prototyping, overseen by and in collaboration with the teacher.
While a curriculum has been developed, it is flexible in nature to allow the teacher to tailor it best meet the needs of their students.
LEARN MOREIn the New Economy of the 21st century, young people need to have the enterprise skills and entrepreneurial capabilities required for a successful working life.
“Our mentor helped us to brainstorm ideas, develop a concept and work through the numbers”
MenteeVME Mentoring Matters -
“One of the greatest successes was seeing the change in the students as they realised that there is something worthwhile they could achieve”
MentorVME Mentoring Matters
Who are the YEH Partners Schools?
As with our other mentoring streams, the YEH schools are equally diverse in their size, location, environment, and student cohort. Innovation is a common theme as they seek to engage and inspire their students.
The VME currently partners with the Northern College of the Arts & Technology (NCAT).
Become a Vocational Mentor
How do I apply and what’s the process?
Applying is safe and easy via the ONLINE VME Application Form.
Before you start, please make sure that you have a copy of your resume and Working With Children’s Check (WWCC) handy as you will need to upload a copy.Don’t worry if you don’t have a WWCC though as you can easily apply online for a FREE Volunteer WWCC via Service Victoria.
Mentor Application Process
Complete the secure online VME Application Form and apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) if you don’t already have one
VME contacts you to discuss your application and arrange an interview, if appropriate
Online interview with VME team (1hr)
Complete online self-paced and interactive session (6hrs)
Ready to Mentor
Select a VME Program
Volunteer for a mentoring program(s)
On-site Program Induction
Pre-program session with staff and mentee(s) (1-1.5hrs)
Mentoring Program
Mentor check-ins
Mid-program (2x.5hr)
Evaluation Survey and Focus Group
Post-program evaluation (1hr)
Select another program
(if you can)

For more information about becoming a school partner please contact
Rochelle Darby on [email protected]
You can make a difference in a young person’s life, and the community they live in!
No need to have mentored before as comprehensive and free training, support and resources are provided.
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